Love Yourself

We have forgotten to love. We are concerned more about the material things, and we have forgotten that everything is love and energy. When we put love to everything that is around us, you will get more than what we get at this moment.

The Lord says:

"love one another as I have loved you".

However, how can we love one another, if we do not first love ourselves?

We should begin to work the love of ourself every day, to then be able to experience the peace and wisdom.

We should start by leaving our mind blank and begin to feel our body. Whenever a thought comes to our mind, instead of casting it aside, concentrate on it. What is my body telling me? Is there pain, grief, anguish? listen to your body!, what is it saying now?

Know that there are no diseases; we have created them with the separation that we have created amongst ourselves. It is time to join together again and love. Removing everything in our body that does not pertain to us; hatred, resentment, anxiety, everything!

Love, work in the love on you, do not seek out what is within you and what you have left aside. Feel how your heart beats, you are alive!

You cannot be a body if you do not have a spirit; you first have to be a spirit in order to have a body experience. Remember that each of us are the masters of our own being. All knowledge is within us. We must only sit, silence our mind, and seek the wisdom in ourself.

Calming our mind, leaving all the problems out of us and going towards our heart, we can arrived to find the clarity that we need, we can listen to our intuition, which is the foundation of knowledge that will help us to grow in our spirituality.

By doing this, we begin to be more generous and wiser. It all starts there, that is our point of departure, loving ourselves.

Every night is a journey in which we clean you wounds, and wash the wounds of your hearts, hoping that when they wake up they see with clarity and can in this way, see the light that would lead them in the right way.

We should remember the feeling of love again, learn from the children, be like them, see how they act and learn. When a child wants something they put themselves on tippy toe to see if they can reach it, and if they cannot they try again, and again, until they finally do it, the tenacity and love creates wisdom. We have to be wise, focus on what we want, put love in our thoughts and from there we will can obtained more quickly what we want.

The advances in spirituality are due to the concentration in which we dedicate ourselves to open our heart to love.

The truth will be experienced by us every time we wake up to love, it is part of our living, our experience, to vibrate in alpha and retain the Stingers of the real act as beings of light.

In the universe nothing is moving or has life without the energy of love, everything vibrates through it. We hear people said that love has cooled down; however, this can never happen because we would stop existing, we are beings of love, made of love.

Love yourself!

Remember that love is to give to eachother without asking anything in return, love is to feel pure and vibrant every time, love is when you feel the pleasure of sitting in front of nature, when you can smell the perfume of the flowers and smile. That same love is what you should feel toward each other.

There are stages in life for every one where the intensity of contact with the spirit is greater than at other times, depending on our needs as human beings.

We have to be aware of our true identity. We do not need to vainglory ourselves, the honors of the earth only keep us more human than as spiritual being. It is only when we surrender all worries to the Father, with all our heart and mind, that we will be able to walk as a spiritual being spreading peace, love and elevation. Walk barefoot on the earth, penetrating our own energies converging to the activity of the earth. The more we elevate the condition of the earth it keeps changing to an angelic state to reach a spiritual state.

We have not allowed nothing, nothing distracted our path to not fall again into the world of violence, hatred, of the earnings of the ego.
We need to be creative and helps the planet, our input is necessary, we are very valuable and our participation with who we are, is vital to survive.

If we want to have good relations, we should first love ourselves.

Nothing can be solved without first looking for the inner self. Only from I Am we can communicate and relate.

The search for the spiritual being is the essence to change, to live in harmony, peace, joy and grow as humanity.

The violence does not stop the hate; war is a constant action of the self but in contact with the consciousness of God.

We always take the longest and most complicated path in life. Everything is there for us to reach, if we wanted and loved ourselves, things would be easier for us.

Love the Universe and the God in each of us, is the most important thing, look for it! Look for your God, love Him and see that the most complicated routes in life become the most simple and easy.

The Acting maze of love and hate that have been created is false. The truth lies in love. The truth is us, who were created by the energy of divine love, if we love that truth, we love ourself.

So, in that way, we will learn to love others and improve our relationships, if we put love in everything we do, as I have said above. And, we will see the light in front of us, guiding us wherever we go. We do not turn away from the light.

When we are angry, when we do not respect each other, we need realize that this anger is not from the father, it is ours, it is the energy that we accept and it is not good.

We are destroying the beauty of the earth for everything negative that we put into it. Earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis everything happens for the negative energy that we are charging to the mother earth.

I ask you for a minute to stop and think what we will leave to our children, a destroyed world without love? We need to change please there is still time.

We need to stop and see the wonderful things around us. Enjoy the air, the sun, the sky, the earth, take off our shoes, and feel the energy of the earth beneath our feet, hug a tree and give thanks for the shade which it provides us with. Kiss a flower and thank her perfume, listen to our heart and not our mind, if our hearts skips a beat for that simple thing see how our DNA rejoices and thus begin to feel more love.

When we start working the love in us will be one with the I AM.

I AM who I AM

If we tell someone love yourself, we will see that the answer provided is defensive: "I love myself!"

But, we are not realizing that if we really love ourself, we do not need to look for love in others, or would not desire others to love us, we do not beg for love. Because, our love for ourselves will be so great that we would not need more.

When we love ourself, we stop judging others; because we would know that this is the path that person chose to follow. Then, we would cease to judge, criticize or try to understand that we are right, but our truth is not theirs.

Loving ourself would help us understand why we have come, and will dedicate our life only to our spiritual growth.

Lord, help me to listen to my heart,

to see clearly

and thus be able to follow my intuition.


Love and Light


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