How I can love myself?

We believe that we love ourselves very much but, tell me; are you happy with your body? Or, do have some complaints about any part of your body that you are not happy about? Are you taking care in the food that you eat, or do you eat unhealthy food every day or even most part of the week?

Well, let me tell you that you are no loving yourself very much; why? Because when we love ourselves, we take care of our body in and out.

Because that is the importance of loving yourself; be happy with the body that you have, be happy with the choices that you make in everyday life, and the most important be you, be authentic, be real, and enjoy life the best you can.

That is the way that you start loving yourself in the same way that your creator love you immensely with defects and virtues. Because in his eyes you are perfect.


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