Our Passions

We all have a passion to be an artist, actor, architect, teacher, or whatever your heart desires. Some of you may be frustrated because you cannot lose weight, are living paycheque by paycheque and then we lose the meaning of why we are doing things. When we study a career, we want to serve others because is it what we love. However, when we finally graduate and go into the working world, everything changes. We realize that our dreams of how it can be is completly different to reality, we have a loan to pay for our career and our job is not really the way we think that would be. We start to slowly lose our passion, our love for our career. we just don't care anymore why we are doing this or that and we become angry and disappointed or even depressed because are expectations were so high, and reality put us down. Our passion for our career turn into a necessity for money to pay our bills, and some of us even change careers or we are doing a completly different job because we do not find the job in the career that we spend most of our time studying for.

That is why I chose to do Network Marketing, because it gives me the money to have the freedom that I want to enjoy with my family quality time, and my career continues to be my passion to help and serve others.

It was there where I discoverd that a lot of people are doing the same as me. I want you to remember that the most important thing in life is to be in service and help others with love; if you are not doing that; maybe it is time for you to be open and think in something that give you the opportunity to serve, help, be happy and proud of yourself when you are doing what you love to do without the pressure and the stress that life can be.

If you need learn more please contact me.



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