
In april 1996 I came to Canada and 1 year later I started getting high blood pressure, getting over weight and have diabetes Type 2 and ostheoarthritis. I was battling with my doctor that it was the medication but he didn't believe me. Well like everybody knows in 2014 I started with USANA to recuperated my health and in 2015 he take out my medications but I have to go every 3 month for check ups anyway. Today I have a meeting with him and he told me: " Rosario, you just get it! You know more than me about nutrition and the things that you have to do to recuperated your body, I want you to teach people and help others because what you do is not only in your illness but works for everybody, and I want you to teach me to because you are right, nobody teach us in medical school about nutrition. You have to give the patienties medication no matter what and you prove to me today that there is a better way! And start with the patients that want to be healthy and commited with themselves. Today I can say and am so happy to tell you that you are DIABETES AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE FREE!!  I hope you help me to put a lot of my patients in the right track also.


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