What is Network Marketing
What is a network marketing business? Is it a pyramid scheme? Or is it something that I can look forward to doing? That is what people ask all the time.
A Network Marketing business is legal. Network marking is an option for people who are looking to generate extra income outside of their work; it is for those looking for a future after their retirement that will continue to generate money.
I have tried a lot of network marketing companies before and to tell you the truth, nothing worked for me. I did not understand why after more than 20 years of helping other businesses grow, I could not grow my own!
I did a lot of courses, went to a lot of coaches (like myself), to help me understand what I was doing wrong, and getting no results. It went on like this until finally I figured out that I have to treat this business like any other business.
I am not a person that is very open to talk with other people and promote my business but finally I did it! Like in any other business, you tell your friends and family that you have opened a home business with xxx Company and you ask them for referrals.
The most important thing is not thinking that you can get rich overnight. That never happens in any business, so do not fool yourself. That’s why a network marketing business is good to start when you have a full time job and will be doing this part time; or if you are a stay at home mom and doing the business when the kids are sleeping/at school; or also if for any reason you cannot go work outside of your home.
You have to think that this business is about people that partner with you to grow together, and to help each other to be accountable, it is not a competition. That is why my mission when I started network marketing was, and continues to be, to help our associates who join with us, reach their vision successfully. That is the way a network marketing business works and grows steadily.
Like in any business if you want to rush it, you fail. That is why a lot of people out there say that network marketing is not good. It is because they have the false idea that this business has to grow fast and be easy, but it is not like that. Like in any business, you also need to know what your core values are, as it will give others a greater sense of trust with the way you run the business. To tell the truth I do not have many friends and family doing the business with me, and the preferred costumers I have are from outside my circle of people. After 4 years that I am doing this business with a company that has the same core values as me, which are: integrity, commitment with our partners and clients, being open to possibilities, being grateful, and having respect; it is just now that I start seeing my friends and family trying to do the business too. With this I want to say again, do not rush it, and be persistent; the most important thing is not the rank that you have because the rank will come, the most important thing, is the people you will help, as everything else will come together.
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