It is with pleasure that I announce that the Universal Life Monastery name me Soul Therapist

In March 26, 2014, the Universal Life Monastery named me Soul Therapist. What does it means in being a Soul Therapist? Let me explain: the word psychology is derived from two Greek words:

psyche - that means "soul" and logos - that means "wisdom"

Therefore, psychology means "the study of the wisdom of the soul". Being a Soul therapist means to Heal your Soul from issues or illness that you can carry on from past life or even for this life experiences.

I have years of experience in working with clients, helping them to release the stress that life provide, being a counsellor has help me to understand that there is something more behind each of us that make our life to be ill and even die. In my desire to give and help more clients, friends and family to get a better life, I study different methods of spiritual healing, spiritual counselling, hypnotherapy and Life coaching. With soul therapy, we put all that knowledge together to help you understand the meaning of your life, what you are here for, and help you to find the answers that you need to improve your life.

I am really pleased for this nomination and I continue to study for give you all a better service.

Love and Light


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