We have a magic mirror

In our lives, we attract what we need to support our future. We attract those who reflect who we are. If we send love, we will see love in the faces of those around us. When our vibrations match someone else’s, we become aware of each other. We attract people in similar circumstances to our own. We attract the people that confirm the things that we believe are true. That can be perfect if we are loving and supportive people, but sometimes, we can find that what can happen is the opposite.

We need to take responsibility for this situation, by looking at what other people present to us in the daily bases, seeing our part in it, and to then ask ourselves how we can change it.

When we are in a confrontational situation, we need to ask ourselves if we are tired and irritable, angry or if these emotions are for any reason. Some times, we have worries that we cannot deal with it. All this can make us feel defensive. That is contrary to love, it is hate, and is fear. To change that, we need to use the power in us to see all the positive things that we already did to improve our lives, and feel the unconditional love that the universe give to us. Remembering that what ever we send out, affect us too.

Love and light


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