Why I choose Network Marketing

My story is no different than everybody else; I am a wife, a mother of two daughters, Spiritual Counsellor, Life Coach, author, hypnotherapist and a Network Marketing Professional. But, from everything in my curriculum, what surprise the people the most is the last one.

For some or the big majority of people, being a Network Marketing Professional is not a career,  they think it is a scam or pyramid scheme, however, that is illegal, and I would sign my name in something like that.  The most common question that I have to answer when telling people about network marking is why; why you want to do something like that?

Well, let me tell you why I did it, and why I am so glad to do it. In September 2014 I was 310 pounds, dealing with high blood pressure, Diabetes Type 2 and I just learn that I have osteoarthritis. I ask my doctor why this can be possible. I am going to a weight loss program management for already three years, and I always have had ups and downs with my weight, and even becoming a vegetarian did not help me with that; but now, everything is getting worse, my weight is going up, and my high blood pressure too; and I do not know what to do anymore. I can feel in the way he looked at me that he did not believe me and his answer make me feel very angry.

He told me: “I don’t know if you are really doing everything you said because if it is true, you already should be a lot better and that’s not happening. What I can tell you is that if you continue like this you will end up in a wheelchair and do not reach your fiftieth birthday.”

I said: “what you mean I do not reach my fiftieth birthday?  I am telling you, I do everything that I can to get well, I have a family that need me, and you are telling me that I don’t care!? You have to help me to figure out what is happening?”

He then said: “I do not have to help you with that. I am sorry but I think that it is you who put yourself in this situation”.

I said: “Ok, you know that I grew up with my uncle being a doctor and now both my cousin and sister are doctors as well, and I know what I have to do to see if it’s me or something else that put me in this situation and trust me, that I will figure it out and I come back and show you that you were wrong and then we talk”.

I left that office so mad with him and the system that I had to do something and had to be very fast. I decided that, in April when I would dee him again, he will have to take off all my medication and see that I was right.

I go back home and search the internet to see how all of the medications I take affect my body. I found through my research that all my medication and the supplements that he made me take to lost weight are synthetic. My body, like the most majority of us, gain weight with synthetic medication and help us to get osteoarthritis.

Now I know the truth, and it was up to me to figure out what is my next step to get well. I already know that the only one that have the power to decide when I am going to die, was not my doctor, only God.

Then I found USANA, they have high quality manufacturing products, are tested for a third party, and are the only one who the Association of athletes accept because they do not text positive for a banned substance. Here, I transcript a copy from Michael Rosselli MD. because that is what I read at that time and make me think about USANA, and here I copy for you to read what he said.

“Trust is a major issue for athletes competing for a place in the Olympics and other high profile athletic competitions. Taking nutritional supplements to help maintain health shouldn't place an athlete at risk for testing positive for a banned substance. Broadly publicized allegations of contaminants in supplements lead many top athletes to wonder if taking supplements will jeopardize their future ability to qualify for competition. In fact, national Olympic committees have warned athletes of the potential danger of contaminants, encouraging them not to consume any nutritional supplements.


 To date, no nutritional supplement company has stepped forward to assume their portion of the liability that a banned substance contamination would create. USANA offers an ironclad solution through its Athlete Guarantee Program. This confident stance in a high stakes venture strengthens our industry-leading position and affirms our commitment to providing "Nutritionals You Can Trust."


Our Athlete Guarantee Program permits select athletes, some of whom have high profiles and are highly compensated, to enter an agreement with USANA which states that, during the term of the agreement, should the athlete test positive for a banned substance included in World Anti-Doping Agency regulations as a result of taking USANA nutritional products, USANA will compensate that athlete two times their current annual earnings up to $1 million, based on the athlete’s personal level of competition, endorsement, and other income, as well as other factors.


 Are you ready to take your place among the elite? Learn more about this program and your potential eligibility by sending an email to our Athlete Relations group with “Athlete Guarantee Program” as the subject line.”

After reading this I take my decision and filled out the form for someone from USANA to contact me. In November 9, 2014 I started using the products and my business with USANA because if this help me, it can help everybody else out there that have the same problem or similar problems as me. In April 2015, when I went to go see my doctor again, my doctor had to take off my medication, in June 2015 after so long, I finally get back to the gym. And in August 2015, I was in my first USANA Convention, and let me tell you that for someone that can finish in a wheelchair I was able to do my 5K Walk and Run, and up to today I lost 50 pounds and no longer have high blood pressure, diabetes or back pain and I do not have my back pains any more. I can go to the gym every morning with a big smile because I take a decision to live my life my way and no one has the right to say to anybody that you do not do your work or that you will not reach your next birthday. I did my work for a healthy life with USANA nutritional supplements, and exercise. Because if the athletes need the best, then so do I. Even if I am not an athlete… anymore.   

PS: And for my doctor, I turn fifty in two weeks and I am feeling that I am in my thirties again. And the best part my friends are telling me that I am looking younger every time. Thanks USANA you do not only make me healthy but younger too!

Now, are YOU ready to take the chance for a better healthy and wealthy life? Are you ready to show everybody else that it is a better way not only in health but in wealth too?

If you are ready to take a chance and change anything in your life that is not right for you do it now! I did it and look at me now.

And trust me it is not about the money is about a different way of living.

If you are ready you can contact me for help or to learn more


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