A New Vision- Messages from Archangel Michael

A new vision - Mesagess from Arcangel Michael is a book that I am wrighting at this moment and is dictated from him, to give you an idea to improve your life and relationships.

If people want to have good relationships, they should love themselves.
Nothing can be solved without first searching for the inner self. Only from the I AM we can communicate and interact.
The search for the spiritual path is the essence for change, to live in harmony, peace, joy and growth as humanity. Nonviolence is not no stopping the hate, or the war if an action that can be constant when is in contact with the consciousness of God.

You always take the long and complicated route in life. Everything is available to you, if you want and love yourself, things will be easier. Love the Universe and the God in each one of you is the most important, look for it!, Find your inner God, love him and you will see that the more complicated routes in life become simpler and easier. The interim labyrinth of love and hate that have been created is false. The truth lies in love. The truth is you, that were created by the power of divine love, love that truth and love yourself. So that way they will learn to see to others and improve their relationships, put love in everything you do as I said. And see the light in front of you guiding them wherever they go. Do not leave the light. Do not get angry, do not get mad, respect anything, and anybody and realize that anger is not from the Father, it is the energy that you accept and it is not good. You are finishing with the beauty of the earth for everything negative that put in it. Earthquakes, tornadoes, sunamies, everything happens from negative energy with which you are charging to mother earth. I ask you to stop a minute and think Do you want to leave to your decendents a destroyed world without love? Change, please, you still have time yet. Stop and see the wonderful things around you. Enjoy the air, the sun, the sky, the earth, and feel your energy take off your shoes, hug a tree and give thanks for the shade they provide. Kiss a flower and thank her perfume, listen to your heart and not your mind, if your heart leaps for joy for that reason you will see how happy the day is and you will begin to feel more loved.
Love and Light


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