How I can continue to be positive if....

How I can continue to be positive in the things that I want, when I can see that, for more that I want it, I do not have it?
I feel frustrated, because it seems like for more that I do, nothing is coming in my way, I cannot see the light at the end of my tunnel.
This applies for everyone of us, in any situation in our life. We try to find our way in this journey, and we feel lost in town, because we do not have any idea what is coming next.
We search for answers all over the place, to see if we can do something to change this situation, and have it for yesterday, what we want for last month.
The answer is in each one of us, only us have the answers to everything in this life.
How long we wanted, or how much we pray for it, or even how much love we put in any situation, is the way that we can have it fast and have it all!.
How many of us hear or even say one time or more in our life "Oh, that person is so lucky", "I wish I can be like him/her", well, trust me in this one, it is because that person is all about positivity, no matter how many people tell them that their idea is crazy, they go forward with it and get it right!.
Most of the people in the world, that have all the wealth and prosperity, before was poor or middle class, like us. They change this situation in their lives and their families, because when they have an idea about anything in life, there is nothing in the world that can make them change it.
Like I always say to everybody, the choices that we make in life are the ones that mark our future.
In our free will we decide what we want in our lives, and most of the times we have to stop and think what we really want.
Looks like we have an idea for something today, and tomorrow we change it, or we do not feel good about it.
We need to first analized ourselves, how we can do that? very easy, first, we have to listen to our hearts, second: we need to know what we feel about the idea or the situation, if we feel that our heart is happy and jumping excited, and even nervous but you want to laugh all the time for nothing, that means that is very good for you continue to make that idea or situation to grow. But, if you feel in your stomach a sense of tightness, or insecure, or that can be something negative about this idea or situation, do not do it, that is not good or right for you.
Listen to your feelings and trust them, because that is your higher self talking to you, communicating with you what you need to know.
Remember, that we all have 45 angels, 13 masters and thousands of spiritual guides (of course, they are all our family members in the other side from the begining of the times plus some that do not come to this earth plane)helping us, only if we ask them for help.
Allow them to do it! you are in charge here! In the business of your living life, you are the owner of the company, you are the BOSS, and your workers in the other side are waiting for directions from you.
God put all that spirits for us to use them, because he cannot do it by himself, why don't we use it?
Then, be positive, and be in charge, and trust me we have it ALL because God put everything there for us to have it!
Love and Light


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