Auras and the 7 rays

When I was study my courses of hands on Healing I learned that God create 7 energy centers that correspond to the 7 colors of the principal archangels, that are the same as the 7 colors of the rainbow, and the 7 rays of the ascension, plus the 7 color of the aura.
By studying the colors of the aura, one can see inherent talents, abilities, personal spirit guides, angels, deceased relatives, past life impressions.
Aura Photography pinpoint areas for growth. Energy Healing clearing of negative energy patterns. Self- Enlightment the inward journey to self-love.
Energy work permeates every layer of our being to expand from 2 - 5 feet beyong the physical body, the energy can change constantly according to our moods. When we feel depress or sad, or negativity in our energy is because this energy field is only 2-3 feet close to our body, to mantain our energy positive, we most work every day in our energy to keep that field around 4-5 feet away from us.
Our Aura is broken down into layers. Each layer has a vibration. The layer become finer and finer until the vibration reaches the cosmic level. Etheric, emotional, mental, causal, etheric temple, intuitive, cosmic. The whole system is called the Astral Body.
Each layer is related to the chakra of the same number and has its caracteristics.

1) Red: desire, vitality, intensity of experience, earthiness, survival instinct. Archangel Uriel.
2) Orange or Pink: creativity, emotions, intuition or gut feeling, confidence. Archangel Chamuel
3) Yellow: sunny, enthusiastic, sense of humor, optimism. Archangel Jofiel
4) Green: dedication, patience, perseverance, growth, service. Archangel Rafael
5) Blue: loyalty, trust, communication, empathetic, tranquil. Archangel Michael
6) White: spiritually motivated, open and receptive to the Divine. Archangel Gabriel
7) Purple: original, magical, psychic, tolerant, spiritual. Archangel Zadkiel
I use this scale to cleanse and heal my clients. I want you to be able to used to have a better future in life.
Love and Light


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