
Showing posts from November, 2015

Dale Carnegie


Jim Collins Quotes


Career and network marketing

We all have a passion; as either an artist, doctor, architect, teacher, whatever your heart desires. Some of you might even be fustrated because you cannot lose weight, are living paycheck by paycheck, and as a result, we lose the meaning of why we are doing things. When we study a career, it is because we want to serve others by doing the things we love. However, when we finally graduate and go into the working world, everything changes. We lose our passion as it turns into a nessesity for money to pay bills, debt, and take care of our family needs, thus making us lose the meaning of why we decided to study that career. That is why I decided to do network marketing, it gives me the income and time freedom I need to be able to enjoy quality time with my family, and allows me to keep my career as a passion to be able to help and serve others as I do not have the stresses of having to do this to financially survive.

Richard Branson Quote


Jim Rohn Quote


Skipping Breakfast Increases Your Risk for Diabetes & Weight Gain

Skipping Breakfast Increases Your Risk for Diabetes & Weight Gain

Did you know?


Dr Mehmet Oz Keynote at the Health and Happiness Summit USANA Video


USANA Rev3 Energy Drink - The Healthy Alternative


The Ins and Outs of RESET | USANA Video


Calgary USANA Event

We invite you to our USANA U Wellness Event. Guest are free.



About MLM


Donald Trump


Albert Schweizer


What if...

Why do people think that because they have lost weight, eat properly, and are more healthy, that they do not need supplements?   If you are pregnant, or are low in any vitamin, does your doctor tell you that you need them? Then why do you think that you do need to be ill to take supplements?   Supplements are here to help you to have all the multi-vitamins and the antioxidants your body needs. You do not need to be sick or unhealthy to take them, especially when more than 800 + elite athletes take them, for optimal health as it then, due to better health, have optimal performance.   And I know you may be thinking " that in the store you can buy them cheap" , and you also may be thinking " I don't have the money"; " they are in the fruits and vegetables"; "I don't need to take them". Well, the answer to that is that your fruits and vegetables don't give you the amount of nutrients that you need, and it is not abou

Everything that gets worse...

Everything that gets worse with age, gets better with exercise. Stop putting excuses!

You are the miracle


Tell Me Everything | USANA Video

If you are interested about USANA Supplements, or if you have any questions about the business,  please feel free to contact me.

Robert Kiyosaki #Richdad


Robert Kiyosaki #Richdad


Robert Kiyosaki #Richdad


Every day more women choose Network Marketing
