
Showing posts from 2018

Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thoughts of the day


The thought of the day


My thought of the day

Enjoy every moment of your life like the last one by feeling it, living it, loving it, because every memory of your happiness today make things brighter in love for tomorrow. We are love, our souls are created for love fell that vibration today.

My thought for today

If someone complains or is mad with you and you get mad or angry with that person today- remember it is not about you. That person needed to blame you for something to not confront the real problems that he/she has behind the scenes. Instead of be mad all day, bless that person for him/her to confront the real problem with peace. Rosario Turrin

I post for you the link of my book

My thought of the day

All of us decided to come to this earth together to live the challange of life at the same time, and to learn the lessons along the way. Don't let anger separate you from friends, family or even co-workers because when we come back to our spirit life all this means nothing and we are love again. Rosario Turrin

Thought of the day

Don't look at the things that happened in the past, thinking that can make it happen again in the future because, if you do, it will come back. Focus in this moment, in the NOW in the positive things that happened today, NOW and tomorrow is another TODAY. Rosario Turrin

Thought of the day


Though of the day

Be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you deserve.

Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Thought of the day


Meditación Zen

¡Aquí está el enlace para la Meditación Zen que les prometí! ¡Espero que lo disfruten!

Zen Meditation

Here is the link for the Zen Meditation I promised you! I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day! To all the wonderful, strong, beautiful, successful woman that I know and those that I don't know yet, and those I have in my life

What do you want to improve in your life? health, wealth, business, relationships...

My name is Rosario Turrin I am a Spiritual and Health Coach, Reiki Healer, Author and former radio host. My mission and commitment with all my clients is to help you find your own spiritual path that leads you to your spiritual truth. Teaching you the spiritual laws of life to self-master yourself and reach your ultimate goal, therefore, transforming your life. Instead of only focusing on your behaviours, habits and goals I also focus on your inner beliefs and connection to the divine. It is done by teaching you how to use the law of attraction to get what you want in any area of your life such as: health, wealth, business, relationships, and so on. No matter the situation you find yourself in, and if you feel like you can’t talk to friends and family, I will always be able to help you find a way to embrace that moment you are in, how to learn from it, and how to let go. I am not a religious leader. I am a Spiritual Coach that is committed to help to heal everyone of all a

Not to judge

Happy Monday everybody! This week remember that it is important not to judge others because... ...You can only see others as clearly as you see yourself.

USANA had being validated products for third party

USANA is proud to announce that nine of our world-class products have been validated through third-party testing as certified for sport. That means you can trust these supplements have been thoroughly tested against the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) list of banned substances. NSF-Tested Products NSF International is an independent organization that helps protect consumers by certifying products and establishing standards for food, water, and goods. Six of USANA’s world-class products** have been further validated through NSF International’s Certifed for SportTM program. The program certifies that what is on the label is in the bottle and that the product does not contain undeclared ingredients or unsafe levels of contaminants. The USANA Difference!

About feelings

Today let's talk about feelings. How do you feel Today? "I am depress, I am ill, I am tired.... " Remember that whatever you say after the "I am..." are all feelings and you choose to feel in that way. And attract more of that negative feeling to yourself. Why not to change it an say I am Happy, I am healthy, I am energetic And attract to you the positive energy that you need to move forward and walk your way to master the journey home to yourself.


We have anything we need in our hearts

Peace, joy, health and well-being can only be found inside us. They exist within us now, waiting to be discovered. Yet we tend to look to the outside world to satisfy our needs and longings.

Quiz about your skin type

I love doing quizzes to know myself better. Here is a quiz that can help you to identify your skin type.

The worst food hoy can eat

Can fitness band improve your Heath?

The cardiovascular system

Business Mastery

It was a wonderful first day in the Business Mastery today. Looking forward for day 2 tomorrow.

Quote of the day

Healthy finger nails

Quote of the day


Si deseas mas información por favor contáctame.


Per maggiori informazioni si prega di contattare me.

New Skin Care Line Starts Today

Our new skin care product line starts today! Be the first to order!

Quote of the day

What is Network Marketing

What is a network marketing business? Is it a pyramid scheme? Or is it something that I can look forward to doing? That is what people ask all the time. A Network Marketing business is legal. Network marking is an option for people who are looking to generate extra income outside of their work; it is for those looking for a future after their retirement that will continue to generate money. I have tried a lot of network marketing companies before and to tell you the truth, nothing worked for me. I did not understand why after more than 20 years of helping other businesses grow, I could not grow my own! I did a lot of courses, went to a lot of coaches (like myself), to help me understand what I was doing wrong, and getting no results. It went on like this until finally I figured out that I have to treat this business like any other business. I am not a person that is very open to talk with other people and promote my business but finally I did it!  Like in any other business, y

I want it present to you, our new skin care product line


Rules for success

This is the success rule that I follow. And every successful person out there follows it too. I recommend everyone to do it because it works! Because you cut out the drama and all the negativity that comes with it.

Quote of the day


Thought of the day


Do you know which is one?

Some fruits are actually considered vegetables, and some vegetables are actually considered fruit!

Science of skincare

Thought of the week

Thought of the day

Thought of the day


Thought of the day

Quote of the day

Created with Kwote!

My mission

As a life coach, I want to instill positivity in people lives; whether it be in health, wealth, and/or relationships with the quotes and thoughts I post everyday. I want to show you, my family, friends, clients, and colleagues, that there is a better way, and it is my mission to put that little light in you each day. I want to do this so that when you leave your house, and you find that you are surrounded by negativity, you will remember those positive post that I and others share with you so that you can be optimistic and it brighten your day.

Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Created with Kwote!



Quote of the day


We all face challenges and obstacles in life. The difference is how we overcome these challenges.

Thought of the day

Created with Kwote!

Thought of the day

Created with Kwote!