
Showing posts from May, 2017

Inspirational video!

Inspirational video! A must watch! "Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste of time to be asking the question when you are the answer. We do not enter the future we create it."

What You Say, Think, or Feel

I have realized that everyone, (yes, everyone); Are like a post office that receives and sends letters to people around the world all the time. So, if we see how the mail acts and we are the building and our mouth the employees all that we think or say or even feel, we are sending to the universe and the universe returns it to us in the same way. So before we have a negative thought, or get jealousy of one another, or speak poorly of the one who is driving next to me and cuts me off... careful! Because we are receiving the same thing. Practicing this and changing my energy regarding my attitudes and everything else is why I signed a contract today with a client to coach him for $6000. Me he dado cuenta que todos, (si, todos); somos como una oficina de correo que recibe y envia cartas a las personas de todo el mundo todo el tiempo.  Entonces, si vemos como el correo actua y nosotros somos el edificio y nuestra boca los empleados todo aquello que pensamos o decimos o incluso que senti


FREE TICKETS TO THE NEXT 2 HOUR BUSINESS SUCCESS EVENT! Limited Seats Available! Join world-renowned business coach and trainer Colin Sprake as he teaches how to grow your business in 2017 by using his proven business growth strategies. Click here to see the upcoming dates and register for the event!

What a Blast!

Day three was a blast! On these three last days, I have learned a lot and enjoyed every minute of it! Confronting your fear in any aspect of your life can be a little hard but in the end, it is all worth it!

Let go of Blame


Just for Today...


If you want anything in your life... do this one thing!

If you want anything in your life to change and to get the rewards that comes with it, you have to do the one and most important thing, and that’s COMMITIMENT!  Committing to yourself is when everything you do such as decisions and actions, are all based on the commitment you made for yourself.  And, just like anything there will be days and times where you will face challenges, obstacles, and want to give up. It is especially on these days where you have to think on where you would end up if you do give up, and just keep pushing towards the goal you committed to yourself, as if you don’t you will lose much more. By doing this, you can see everything in a different view, and any obstacle you face will be worthwhile once you accomplish the goal you were committed to achieving. Like anything, it all starts on where you want to be, and how it will look, as the more vivid you can imagine what it will be like, the more you will be committed to it, and the more rewarding it will be when yo

You can Change your World...


Getting ready

Getting ready for a workshop  for buisness women at the marriot hotel!