
Showing posts from 2022

Point of Light

Nothing is mine, everything is Yours. The house, the car, all these possessions, including this body, is yours. If I leave today, I am only a point of light. One more shiny star in the universe. I am a soul. I am a peaceful Soul.

How to know if I hire a Spiritual Coach or a Psychic?

Nowadays, you can find so many Spiritual coaches and Soul Therapists in the internet. The thing is, who are they? What do they do? Are they qualified? As of right now, the biggest majority of them are psychics. They read your past, present, and future. And some of them are very good and professional in what they do.  With psychics readings, though, many of you may find that are always waiting for that reading to come true. And sometimes, yes, you have a part of the reading that does happen, but the rest is never going to happen, or nothing of that reading happens at all. Reality is that, Spiritual Coaches and Soul Therapist don’t do readings, they help you to improve your life. They help you to heal your past at this present moment, so that you can have a better future. The future that you want, and dream to have. Spiritual Coaches are called 'the lifetime students' because they are always reading books, doing courses, searching in the internet, etc. So that they can continuall

The three key questions

Who am I? What am I here for? What is my purpose? These are the three key questions we have to ask ourselves. We are living in this world, taking in all the experiences, swinging from good to bad, with jealousy, envy, anger, criticizing, disappointment, etc., all because we listen to our ego too much.  We allowed our ego to be in charge of our lives. We give our ego the power to rule our life. If only we stop just for a minute every hour and connect with our souls, remembering the ONE Father, we start to take away the power our ego has. We start being in charge of our life. Ask yourself: Who am I? What am I here for? What is my purpose? I am a soul, living in this body, taking this experience of life, detaching from the drama of the ego, knowing that I the Soul, have all the knowledge, all the power,  that I need to make the difference in my body experiences and in the experiences of other souls. Because, in every moment that anything negative or any drama appears,

God, the Ocean of Love...

GOD is the Ocean of Love, the Ocean of Peace, The Ocean of Knowledge, if we REMEMBER Him at all times, everything in our life changes because we are connected with the Source, then our ego is gone, our negativity is gone, our karma is gone. We detach from our body and we are healed from all our body's illnesses, we, the souls, are in charge, and we received all the inheritance of the Father. Imagine coming to yourself a Ocean of Peace, a Ocean of Love, … do you feel?

My Thought for today

We are Souls living a life experience. The thing is, we forget that, and are attached to our ego and the DRAMA of life. Detaching from situations and people does not mean that you don’t care, it's that you start communicating at the Soul level, Soul to Soul, with love and blessings REMEMBERING the ONE at all times and you can see, hear and act directly by your Soul. And in this way you start feeling free because when we REMEMBER GOD at all times, we clean our lives from the Karma that we have from this, and the others lives. And, as a result, you became Karmatit. You become a Pure, Bliss, Peaceful Soul.

Thought of today

Complicated exercises or efforts are not needed to find peace. Simply understand that your true nature is peace.

Today's Reflection

When God solves your problem, you deepen faith in him. When God do not solve your problem, that means he has faith in you. God is our spiritual father. He has given us powers so that we can face any challenges. Everything in this world is temporary. Challenges will come and go. They come to make you better and more powerful. At the end, we realise that whatever happens is always for a good reason.

2022 The Year of Miracles

We can see miracles all around us at any time, the thing is be open to recieve the miracles that we desire. Set the intention of what miracle you want to accomplish this year. If you don't know how to reach your miracle, I can help you with that. Let me know by messenger if you need me to set your intention to accomplish your miracle

Inspiration Quotes


Spiritual Coaching

Yeah, that's me. Because of what this quote said I have a lots of people very, very mad with me. But is the meaning of the coaches said the truth even if you like it or not.