
Showing posts from November, 2016

Would you like healthy skin with products without chemicals? Watch this video!


¿Quieres tener una piel saludable con productos sin quimicos? Mira este ...


Confucius quotes

So true!!

Kale Quinoa Bites

Kale Quinoa Bites 1 bunch of kale, 1 cup of quinoa,  2 sweet potatoes, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 1 cup of ground flaxseed, 1 cup of nutrional yeast, 1/2 cup if chickpea flour, 1/2 cup of oil, 1 teaspoon of vinager, 1 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/4 cup of parsley, 3 clove of garlic, Italian seasoning to taste. Cook and puree sweet potatoes,  then in a food processor put the onion, carrots, garlic, kale and parsley to shred. Once shredded, combine all the  ingredients in a bowl and mix together. Make bite size balls (or if you prefer pit in a muffin tin). Put into a preheated oven (350 degrees) and bake for 45- 50 minutes.

Cornmeal Muffins

Cornmeal Muffins You need: Cornmeal, Parsley, garlic powder, ginger powder, chives, a little salt, water. First, boil 4 cups of water, stir as you pour the 1 cup of cornmeal to not have it cup together. Continue to stir till the cornmeal has absorb all the water and is bubbling. This is when you add the parsley,  garlic powder, ginger powder, chives,  salt, and vegan cheese to your taste of how much you will like. Remove from stove and pour into greased muffin pans, cook for 15- 20 minutes, remove from oven, and leave till it is completely cool as this is when it will form to muffin shape. Remove and Enjoy!!

Nutrir - Hidratar - Revitalizar

¿Quieres algo para tu piel que estĆ© libre de quĆ­micos? ¿Deseas tener una piel suave y saludable? ¿Te gustarĆ­a que tu cabello no se quiebre tanto y tenga brillo natural? ¡Entonces estĆ”n en el lugar correcto! El jueves 17 de noviembre a las 7:00 PM hora de la montaƱa estarĆ© dando un webinar donde te darĆ© la soluciĆ³n a tu problema. Espero verlos a todos desde su ordenador, tableta o telĆ©fono. https:// join/480716509 TambiĆ©n puede marcar en el uso de su telĆ©fono. Canada +1 (647) 497-9372 CĆ³digo de acceso: 480-716-509

Long Weekend!

Had a wonderful time this long weekend in Lake Louise, Banff, tons of people were there in Friday- to bad Johnston Canyon and Lake Moraine were closed for repairs! #longweekend #lakelouise #banff #fun #greattime

Long Weekend

Having a great time this long weekend in Lake Louise!!

PresentaciĆ³n de Salud y Libertad

EstĆ”s en el lugar correcto: Si cree que necesita una soluciĆ³n para recuperar su salud Si usted siente que puede haber algo mĆ”s que hacer Si desea obtener la libertad financiera que siempre ha querido. En jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016, 19:00-20:00 hora estĆ”ndar de montaƱa, serĆ” el anfitriĆ³n de una salud y libertad presentaciĆ³n, en la que te darĆ” la soluciĆ³n para poder tener la salud y libertad financiera que siempre has querido! PresentaciĆ³n de Salud y Libertad Espero verlos a todos desde su ordenador, tableta o telĆ©fono. https:// join/127782509 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9372 CĆ³digo de acceso: 127-782-509

Rosario's Smoothie

Wanted a Rosario's smoothie tonight for dinner! Steps and ingredients: 2 oranges 1apple 1 pomogranate water blend, then you add: 2 scoops of MySmartFood Whey base 1 scoop of MySmartFoods Protein+ and 1 scoop of MySmartFoods Fibergy, blend again and enjoy!


Enjoyed our day in Banff yesterday!!
