
Showing posts from 2014


Never, never quit



People ask me: Why i it so important for m to make you love yourself more?

My answer is very easy, you all know what my experiences with my health are, and I want to make the difference, and make people understand how important it is to start loving our own self. For those that do not know me I have to tell you my story; I am 49 years old and for 18 years I have battled high blood pressure, and every six months I have to change my medications because my body get used to it. As the time passed, I gained weight and developed type 2 diabetes, and what does that mean? It meant one more medication that I have to take, which makes it a total of 3.   Two years ago I started to go to a weight management clinic; yes, I was doing well and I was losing weight but soon after my weight started go up again. For two long years, it was like that; I would gain weight, I change my diet and go down a few pounds, and gain them again and go down... Finally, I decided to search on the internet and see what I can eat that could help me with my problems, and start losing we

How I can love myself?

We believe that we love ourselves very much but, tell me; are you happy with your body? Or, do have some complaints about any part of your body that you are not happy about? Are you taking care in the food that you eat, or do you eat unhealthy food every day or even most part of the week? Well, let me tell you that you are no loving yourself very much; why? Because when we love ourselves, we take care of our body in and out. Because that is the importance of loving yourself; be happy with the body that you have, be happy with the choices that you make in everyday life, and the most important be you, be authentic, be real, and enjoy life the best you can. That is the way that you start loving yourself in the same way that your creator love you immensely with defects and virtues. Because in his eyes you are perfect.

Did you know.....

This movie is to educate and make people release what we are doing wrong in our every day life in the way we eat.

What means Soul Therapy?

Soul therapy is a combination of meditation, reiki healing, and life coaching. With these three combinations, it will help you, to connect with your heart to heal your soul and yourself from depression, grief or loss, ending an addiction, elevate your self- esteem, relationship challenges, career movements, or even changes, that may result from job loss or redundancy, weight loss or even to help make you understand what you are here for. By working with your heart, to understand what the purpose of your life can be, is very painful and even difficult at times; but, when you start working with yourself, you can find that you appreciate and love yourself, your life, and your soul more. Your relationships change for the better and, you find the peace and harmony that you deserve. Everything can come together to make your world a better place to live. In conclusion, Soul therapy, can help you to improve your quality of life, and help you to connect with your home (your heart), your

We are eternal

We need to acknowledge our divinity. We will live on, no matter what happens. We need to remember that we are a lot more than body and life. There are areas in our life where we waste our creativity and energy, and have fear take over. All the bigger wants hide behind other wants, and bigger fears hide behind other fears. One of our great underlying fears, hiding under so many more layers of fear than you might think, is passing over. Life does not end our energy changes to another form of energy and we continue existing in another frequency. What we do here is training for the next thing that is to come. In this school of life, what we are doing is training ourselves for the next dimension. We know that we are eternal; our spirit is eternal. Our belief system influence how we react to this concept. However, by working with ourselves in the I AM, we know that there is more that just this life. Some spirits in this life do not "believe" before they cross over, but now they

About the Book "One Soul, Many Lives" by Roy Stemman

I have just finished reading "One Soul, Many Lives", it is talking about people that remember their past life, "reincarnation"; this is a book that I highly recommend to all of you that want to understand all about our soul purpose or even why you are coming back so many times. It is about case studies and I really love it because, in one case, I feel very identified with the experience that they were talking about. Reincarnation is something that some people are sceptical about, but I believe that is the only way we come here to learn and make our spirit grow. For me, and for many others out there, we believe that we can return here many times until we complete our mission. For those people that do not believe in reincarnation, I want to ask them how many times they go to a place and have the feeling that they were there before, or maybe they are doing something and feel that they have done that before. That is Dé javú, this means that even if you are sceptical abo

It is with pleasure that I announce that the Universal Life Monastery name me Soul Therapist

In March 26, 2014, the Universal Life Monastery named me Soul Therapist. What does it means in being a Soul Therapist? Let me explain: the word psychology is derived from two Greek words: psyche - that means "soul" and logos - that means "wisdom" Therefore, psychology means "the study of the wisdom of the soul". Being a Soul therapist means to Heal your Soul from issues or illness that you can carry on from past life or even for this life experiences. I have years of experience in working with clients, helping them to release the stress that life provide, being a counsellor has help me to understand that there is something more behind each of us that make our life to be ill and even die. In my desire to give and help more clients, friends and family to get a better life, I study different methods of spiritual healing, spiritual counselling, hypnotherapy and Life coaching. With soul therapy, we put all that knowledge together to help you understa

form the book " The Light Should Set you Free"

If we live the right way and let the Light into our hearts and minds, the whole world becomes alive. The world is a lovely garden, full of dreams, life and beauty. It is a special place shared by many kingdoms, and the one place where all can connect and grow together. Love and Light

Message of the Soul

We are 100% in using our mind; if we stop thinking what we have to do next and listen to our heart, we can hear our soul talking to us, directing us, on what we need to do next. When we have this connection, we do not worry anymore because we know we are being watch and protected. This is the way that we learn about ourselves, by going into our hearts, listening what we feel, and by putting our ego out of our feelings. Being open to listen and receive (even if you do not like it) what your soul have to say, and make the changes that you need, to have a better connection with yourself. Love and Light  

Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit are each indivisibly connected

The physical body is a reflection of the mind. The Mind is a mirror of the soul. The Soul is the light of the spirit. the Spirit is the life within them all. And then: Walk your talk! Do as you think, as you feel, as you ARE. Love and Light

We have a magic mirror

In our lives, we attract what we need to support our future. We attract those who reflect who we are. If we send love, we will see love in the faces of those around us. When our vibrations match someone else’s, we become aware of each other. We attract people in similar circumstances to our own. We attract the people that confirm the things that we believe are true. That can be perfect if we are loving and supportive people, but sometimes, we can find that what can happen is the opposite. We need to take responsibility for this situation, by looking at what other people present to us in the daily bases, seeing our part in it, and to then ask ourselves how we can change it. When we are in a confrontational situation, we need to ask ourselves if we are tired and irritable, angry or if these emotions are for any reason. Some times, we have worries that we cannot deal with it. All this can make us feel defensive. That is contrary to love, it is hate, and is fear. To change that, we

The most important moment is NOW

This moment is important, it is the only moment that we need to focus about. What we do, say, and think at this moment in our lifes determines what we will experience next. What we believe now, has a real impact in our life. Then try to focus in this moment and appretiate who you are and what you are here for. Bring the best of you at this moment and honor you, your soul, mind and spirit. The rest will come all by it self. Do not worry about the future because the future is now . Love and Light

I do not know what to do

I am in the middle of no where, I do not know what to do, I look here and there, There are no doors or windows, only this black room. I'm stuck, I'm scare, I do not know what to do, I'm frustrated, I'm depressed, I am unable to escape. Then, I remember. I pray every night, and I ask for help, but, in what do I need help? I started thinking, for the first time in all this period, what do I really need? And then, I say: "Dear Father God, please help me, I do not want to be in this black room anymore. I do not want to feel like this and, I know that, I have put myself, in this situation, at the same moment that I do not hear what you want for me to do. I promiss you, that from now on, I am in your service. I love you and honour you. Amen" At that moment I saw, all that darkness dissapear. All the walls fall down. A beautiful shiny day,

Grounding Meditation

Sit upright in a straight-backed position, with your arms and legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor. Place your right hand just above your pubic bone in your belly, and your left hand behind you at the very base of your tailbone. Close your eyes and focus in the space in front of you, put the tip of your tongue in the top of your mouth, and breath, feel how the breathing goes in and out from your nose. Stays centered and envision a circular energy center inside your pelvis, right between your hands. This center is envisioned as a disk 3 - 5 inches in diameter and should be the color red. Stay in your head envisioning the energy swirling inside this chakra. See a cord or a tube (what ever is easier for you) of this some energy moving straight down. The cord has to be the same diameter as your chakra or just a little bit smaller. If you are envisioning a tube have to be bright coloured plumbing pipe sized grounding tube. Visualize your chakra as firmly anchored in


Affirmation "I am whole, perfect, and complete in all ways and at all times." This affirmation is a truth reality that we are spirit living a life experience. Those who do not believe in this affirmation do not believe that God is in all of us. Our souls have the knowledge of who we are and what we are here for. It is up to us to go into our hearts in meditation to find our purpose in life to complete our mission. Those who choose to work in themselves to live the spirit life that they need to help others, have to remember to repeat this affirmation 3 times a day or even more, because it can help you to not fall in the every day drama or other people behaviors, helping us to let go false ideas or beliefs. The more we all practice this affirmation, the more perfect and complete we can become, because our souls will come more closer to us living our presence of life, and believe in it's peace, faith and love. Love and Light.

Love Yourself

We have forgotten to love. We are concerned more about the material things, and we have forgotten that everything is love and energy. When we put love to everything that is around us, you will get more than what we get at this moment. The Lord says: "love one another as I have loved you". However, how can we love one another, if we do not first love ourselves? We should begin to work the love of ourself every day, to then be able to experience the peace and wisdom. We should start by leaving our mind blank and begin to feel our body. Whenever a thought comes to our mind, instead of casting it aside, concentrate on it. What is my body telling me? Is there pain, grief, anguish? listen to your body!, what is it saying now? Know that there are no diseases; we have created them with the separation that we have created amongst ourselves. It is time to join together again and love. Removing everything in our body that does not pertain to us; hatred, resentment, anx

How to find balance between the I AM and me Like a Person

These days looks like we do not know the diference between the I AM and us like person; and there reason is because there is no difference between the two, we are I Am and a person, what we need to do is find the balance. We have to remember that before been bodies we were spirit, If we do not come to the earth, how can we learn about illness, depression, frustrations, fear, and everything else? Living in the spirit world we do not have that things; we do not understand about pain or suffering, it is here where we can learn all about it. Everytime that we are in a stressful situation, or we are feeling pain, or fear, or what ever emotion of desire comes into our minds; stop it by putting something positive or look in the positive side on it. Just do not accept that emotion. That is the way where you find the balance between the I AM and the person that you are. If you do not stop your thoughts and feelings in the negative you continue in the same circle you must cut it down

How to find balance between the I AM and me Like a Person

These days looks like we do not know the diference between the I AM and us like person; and there reason is because there is no difference between the two, we are I Am and a person, what we need to do is find the balance. We have to remember that before been bodies we were spirit, If we do not come to the earth, how can we learn about illness, depression, frustrations, fear, and everything else? Living in the spirit world we do not have that things; we do not understand about pain or suffering, it is here where we can learn all about it. Everytime that we are in a stressful situation, or we are feeling pain, or fear, or what ever emotion of desire comes into our minds; stop it by putting something positive or look in the positive side on it. Just do not accept that emotion. That is the way where you find the balance between the I AM and the person that you are. If you do not stop your thoughts and feelings in the negative you continue in the same circle you must cut it dow

Accepting the presence of Life

How many times do we hear the expressions: "We are souls living a body experience; if we are not souls we do not have a body." "We are the teachers of ourselves. Every knowledge is on us." In my fifteen years in spiritualism I hear those sentences millions of times, the key is to understand in our self what that means; and work on it. It is very difficult with all the problems that our every day live has, not to fall in the mistake of forgetting that we are souls living a life experience, when life sometimes challenges us in a very pressured ways. Maintaining the balance is something that make us fall in depression or even get ill. Yes, the knowledge is on us but, how do we find it?, how do we do it? And how do we maintain that balance? It is something that we are not taught from anyone, only we have to find it, because we have all the answers in our hearts. The only way I find until now is knowing that meditation help us to have the balance, but how to find t


A friend of my (Lucy) give me the book "I Am That", which is a dialogue of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj where he said that the only thing that matter is the "I am". In the beginning when I start reading the book I feel that it was very interesting, but I know very well the I am that means that "I am who I am" after a little while I left the book with out understanding the more important meaning of all. One year later, (in September 2013) I was very ill and my dearest friend Les bring me to the hospital thinking that it was to much and that I needed medical attention fast. When I was in the hospital resting I have this meditation in where I have to focus in myself and focus in my heart; I did it, and after that my life start to change. I always meditate, but what I had been taught was to go out there to see what happens, but this is a completely different meditation. In this meditation with your eyes close, you focus in the space in front of your eyes; y

Auras and the 7 rays

When I was study my courses of hands on Healing I learned that God create 7 energy centers that correspond to the 7 colors of the principal archangels, that are the same as the 7 colors of the rainbow, and the 7 rays of the ascension, plus the 7 color of the aura. By studying the colors of the aura, one can see inherent talents, abilities, personal spirit guides, angels, deceased relatives, past life impressions. Aura Photography pinpoint areas for growth. Energy Healing clearing of negative energy patterns. Self- Enlightment the inward journey to self-love. Energy work permeates every layer of our being to expand from 2 - 5 feet beyong the physical body, the energy can change constantly according to our moods. When we feel depress or sad, or negativity in our energy is because this energy field is only 2-3 feet close to our body, to mantain our energy positive, we most work every day in our energy to keep that field around 4-5 feet away from us. Our Aura is broken down into layers

Una Nueva Visión -Mensajes de Arcángel Miguel

Una nueva visión - Mesagess del Arcangel Miguel es un libro que estoy wrighting en este momento y es dictado por él, para que os hagáis una idea para mejorar su vida y las relaciones. Si la gente quiere tener buenas relaciones, que deberían amarse a sí mismos . Nada se puede resolver sin primero buscar el yo interior. Sólo desde el YO SOY podemos comunicarnos e interactuar . La búsqueda del camino espiritual es la esencia del cambio, a vivir en armonía , la paz , la alegría y el crecimiento como la humanidad . La no-violencia no hay nada que detenga el odio o la guerra si una acción que puede ser constante cuando está en contacto con la conciencia de Dios. Siempre se toma el camino largo y complicado en la vida. Todo está disponible para ti, si quieres y amas a ti mismo , las cosas serán más fáciles . Ama el universo y el Dios en cada uno de vosotros es el más importante , lo buscan ! , Encuentra tu Dios interno , le aman y se verá que las rutas más complicadas en la vida se vuel

A New Vision- Messages from Archangel Michael

A new vision - Mesagess from Arcangel Michael is a book that I am wrighting at this moment and is dictated from him, to give you an idea to improve your life and relationships. If people want to have good relationships, they should love themselves. Nothing can be solved without first searching for the inner self. Only from the I AM we can communicate and interact. The search for the spiritual path is the essence for change, to live in harmony, peace, joy and growth as humanity. Nonviolence is not no stopping the hate, or the war if an action that can be constant when is in contact with the consciousness of God. You always take the long and complicated route in life. Everything is available to you, if you want and love yourself, things will be easier. Love the Universe and the God in each one of you is the most important, look for it!, Find your inner God, love him and you will see that the more complicated routes in life become simpler and easier. The interim labyrinth of love an

How I can continue to be positive if....

How I can continue to be positive in the things that I want, when I can see that, for more that I want it, I do not have it? I feel frustrated, because it seems like for more that I do, nothing is coming in my way, I cannot see the light at the end of my tunnel. This applies for everyone of us, in any situation in our life. We try to find our way in this journey, and we feel lost in town, because we do not have any idea what is coming next. We search for answers all over the place, to see if we can do something to change this situation, and have it for yesterday, what we want for last month. The answer is in each one of us, only us have the answers to everything in this life. How long we wanted, or how much we pray for it, or even how much love we put in any situation, is the way that we can have it fast and have it all!. How many of us hear or even say one time or more in our life "Oh, that person is so lucky", "I wish I can be like him/her", well, trust me i

¿Cómo puedo seguir siendo positivo si ....

¿Cómo puedo seguir siendo positivo/a en las cosas que quiero, cuando puedo ver que, por mas que quiero algo no lo tengo? Me siento frustrado/a , porque parece que por más que lo intento no sale nada en mi camino, no puedo ver la luz al final de mi túnel. Esto se aplica a cada uno de nosotros, en cualquier situación en la vida. Tratamos de encontrar nuestro camino en este viaje, y nos sentimos perdidos, porque no tenemos ni idea de lo que viene a continuación . Estamos buscando respuestas por todos lados, para ver si podemos hacer algo para cambiar esta situación, y tener para ayer, lo que queriamos para el mes pasado. La respuesta está en cada uno de nosotros, sólo nosotros tenemos las respuestas a todo en esta vida. ¿Por cuánto tiempo debemos esperar lo que queremos, o cuánto mas debemos orar, o incluso cuánto amor ponemos en cualquier situación? esa es la forma en que podemos obtener lo que queremos mas rápido y tenerlo todo! . ¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos dicho o oido decir una

¿Cómo puedo seguir siendo positivo si ....

¿Cómo puedo seguir siendo positivo/a en las cosas que quiero, cuando puedo ver que, por mas que quiero algo no lo tengo? Me siento frustrado/a , porque parece que por más que lo intento no sale nada en mi camino, no puedo ver la luz al final de mi túnel. Esto se aplica a cada uno de nosotros, en cualquier situación en la vida. Tratamos de encontrar nuestro camino en este viaje, y nos sentimos perdidos, porque no tenemos ni idea de lo que viene a continuación . Estamos buscando respuestas por todos lados, para ver si podemos hacer algo para cambiar esta situación, y tener para ayer, lo que queriamos para el mes pasado. La respuesta está en cada uno de nosotros, sólo nosotros tenemos las respuestas a todo en esta vida. ¿Por cuánto tiempo debemos esperar lo que queremos, o cuánto mas debemos orar, o incluso cuánto amor ponemos en cualquier situación? esa es la forma en que podemos obtener lo que queremos mas rápido y tenerlo todo! . ¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos dicho o oido decir una

Libere su alma y mente

Libere Su Alma y Mente La gente puede leer esa frase cada día, cada segundo de su vida, sin entender el significado de esa frace. Liberar el alma y la mente significa que usted tiene que dejar de lado todas las preocupaciones que se encuentran en su mente, para volver a conectarse con su alma, y de esta manera conseguir la libertad que su alma necesita para crecer en paz, armonía y orden, para por fin estar en línea con el universo. Ser libre significa tener la libertad. La libertad de volar libre como un pájaro en el cielo sin ningún tipo de preocupaciones acerca de lo que sucederá después. Una vez que hagamos esto nos liberamos y liberamos nuestra alma para poder de esta manera alcanzar la paz y recibir todo el amor de Dios. Cuando estemos en las manos de Dios, nuestra mente estará en calma, podremos perdonar y podremos amar más a nuestros hermanos y hermanas aquí en la tierra y en el mundo espiritual. Estamos aqui y somos agresivos con otras personas, y todo es porque no ent

Free Your Soul and Mind

Free Your Soul and Mind People can read that phrase every day, every second in their lives, without understanding the significance of that meaning. Free your soul and mind means that you have to let go of all the worries in your mind, to reconnect with your soul, to get the freedom that your soul needs to grow in peace, harmony, and order, and to be in line with the universe. Be free means to have the liberty and the freedom to fly like a bird in the sky without any worries about what will happen next. When we do that, we liberate, and we free our soul to connect in peace and receive all the love of God. When we are in God’s hands, our mind is settled, and we can forgive, and we can love more our brothers and sisters here in the earth and in the spirit world. We in this world, are aggressive with other people, and it is all because we do not understand that to be able to have what we want, we must change our behaviours. We forgot about our respect with others, our responsib