
Showing posts from March, 2014

The most important moment is NOW

This moment is important, it is the only moment that we need to focus about. What we do, say, and think at this moment in our lifes determines what we will experience next. What we believe now, has a real impact in our life. Then try to focus in this moment and appretiate who you are and what you are here for. Bring the best of you at this moment and honor you, your soul, mind and spirit. The rest will come all by it self. Do not worry about the future because the future is now . Love and Light

I do not know what to do

I am in the middle of no where, I do not know what to do, I look here and there, There are no doors or windows, only this black room. I'm stuck, I'm scare, I do not know what to do, I'm frustrated, I'm depressed, I am unable to escape. Then, I remember. I pray every night, and I ask for help, but, in what do I need help? I started thinking, for the first time in all this period, what do I really need? And then, I say: "Dear Father God, please help me, I do not want to be in this black room anymore. I do not want to feel like this and, I know that, I have put myself, in this situation, at the same moment that I do not hear what you want for me to do. I promiss you, that from now on, I am in your service. I love you and honour you. Amen" At that moment I saw, all that darkness dissapear. All the walls fall down. A beautiful shiny day,

Grounding Meditation

Sit upright in a straight-backed position, with your arms and legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor. Place your right hand just above your pubic bone in your belly, and your left hand behind you at the very base of your tailbone. Close your eyes and focus in the space in front of you, put the tip of your tongue in the top of your mouth, and breath, feel how the breathing goes in and out from your nose. Stays centered and envision a circular energy center inside your pelvis, right between your hands. This center is envisioned as a disk 3 - 5 inches in diameter and should be the color red. Stay in your head envisioning the energy swirling inside this chakra. See a cord or a tube (what ever is easier for you) of this some energy moving straight down. The cord has to be the same diameter as your chakra or just a little bit smaller. If you are envisioning a tube have to be bright coloured plumbing pipe sized grounding tube. Visualize your chakra as firmly anchored in


Affirmation "I am whole, perfect, and complete in all ways and at all times." This affirmation is a truth reality that we are spirit living a life experience. Those who do not believe in this affirmation do not believe that God is in all of us. Our souls have the knowledge of who we are and what we are here for. It is up to us to go into our hearts in meditation to find our purpose in life to complete our mission. Those who choose to work in themselves to live the spirit life that they need to help others, have to remember to repeat this affirmation 3 times a day or even more, because it can help you to not fall in the every day drama or other people behaviors, helping us to let go false ideas or beliefs. The more we all practice this affirmation, the more perfect and complete we can become, because our souls will come more closer to us living our presence of life, and believe in it's peace, faith and love. Love and Light.