Who You Are

Big houses, fancy cars, newest technology, best job;  all are things that people want , and yes they can be nice and give us a good quality of life, but all those things (possessions) are NOT WHAT DEFINE YOU.

In short, it’s not what you have that defines you- it’s who you are that defines you!  So, if you are a mean, rude, or cruel person, without or with very little of those possession’s, you will still be a mean, rude, or cruel person even if you have all those nice and expensive possession’s.  And if you are a nice kind, and caring person, you will still be a nice, kind, and caring person with all those nice and expensive possesion’s.

Stop trying to show off to have friends, etc. by buying the newest, nicest, or biggest things. Do it for you, because it makes you happy, because at the end of the day, who you are will determine if all those connections you made will last – not your things.


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