How to know if I hire a Spiritual Coach or a Psychic?

Nowadays, you can find so many Spiritual coaches and Soul Therapists in the internet. The thing is, who are they? What do they do? Are they qualified?
As of right now, the biggest majority of them are psychics. They read your past, present, and future. And some of them are very good and professional in what they do. 
With psychics readings, though, many of you may find that are always waiting for that reading to come true. And sometimes, yes, you have a part of the reading that does happen, but the rest is never going to happen, or nothing of that reading happens at all.
Reality is that, Spiritual Coaches and Soul Therapist don’t do readings, they help you to improve your life. They help you to heal your past at this present moment, so that you can have a better future. The future that you want, and dream to have. Spiritual Coaches are called 'the lifetime students' because they are always reading books, doing courses, searching in the internet, etc. So that they can continually improve themselves, because, as a result, they will be able to help you better, because your success is, their success.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, if you want things to change, you have to do the work and stop hiding behind the mask of the drama of life. 
You have to think, are you tired of sitting in the waiting chair to see if something changes in your life? or are you ready to commit to yourself to improve your life? Ask yourself, your true self, what are you going to do now? What is your next step? do the research, ask questions , and try to find the best Spiritual Coach or Soul Therapist that fits you and can really help you to heal your past and make you grow and reach your goals with ease, happiness and peace.
Many blessings


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